Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Church Safety & Security: Situational Awareness

“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)

“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel…” (Ezekiel 3:17)

Early one mid-week evening in a Southern city, a young white man enters a large African-American church through a side door. Finding a Bible study in progress, he walks into the room and sits down, listening to the discussion on a scriptural passage.  After a while, he begins arguing with some of those present.  When they begin to pray, he pulls out a handgun and begins shooting.  Nine people are killed, including the pastor.

Before he pulled out his weapon, did anyone in the Bible study have any suspicions about the stranger among them?

The first step in defense is awareness of threats.  Basically, it is knowing what is going on around you.  For instance, we protect livestock from severe weather by paying attention to weather forecasts and receiving alerts.  Vigilance in keeping the records straight and knowing who accesses the safe and the church's bank accounts defends the church against fraud and embezzlement.  Knowing about threats to the community and the church, we should prepare accordingly.

For self-defense, situational awareness is closer to us in time and place. Situational awareness means being aware of one's surroundings and identifying potential threats and dangerous situations. 

Safety and security, and self-defense sites stress all-around awareness.  Out in the open, threats can come from any direction, front, behind, and to either side.  In church security, we should be aware of what is all the way around on our level and what is above us (and if we are on an upper level, what is below us).  An awareness of your immediate vicinity and of the people and objects within your environment."

Situational awareness requires a minimum level of alertness.  Cooper's Color Code of Awareness is an awareness color chart made popular by Jeffrey Cooper (Colonel, USMC Ret.).  Condition Yellow is the minimum level for effective situational awareness:

1) White: Unaware and unprepared.

2) Yellow: Relaxed alert.
No specific threat situation. Your mindset is that "today could be the day I may have to defend myself."

3) Orange: Specific alert.
Something is not quite right and has your attention. Your radar has picked up a specific alert.

4) Red: Condition Red is fight.
Your mental trigger (established back in Condition Orange) has been tripped.  If you are alert and paying attention (Level Yellow), it will be easier to go to the next level, Level Orange, then sometimes on to Level Red.

This is not written from a church safety/security perspective, but it is appropriate.  Some additional details are, don't narrow your focus (such as with mobile phones and TV monitors), note changes over time, and get enough rest to keep yourself alert.

There are several things you should look for:

1) Continually look around.  Notice everything in your range of view.  As we look, we should have an idea of what to be especially aware of.   In the church foyer, this means noticing every person. Take special notice of those you don't know and stay aware of them even if you are talking with someone else.

2) Identify potential threats and keep a constant awareness of any you identify.  Could a suspicious bulge be a weapon? What is in that box left by the door?  Has something been moved?  Is anything out-of-place? 

3) Notice a person’s facial expressions, their actions, and how they interact with others.  Does anyone seem to be irrational?  Irritated?  Snoopy?  Secretive?

4) As we learned in the discussion on Verbal De-escalation, be alert for potentially disruptive situations, such as hostile encounters, conversations becoming increasingly argumentative, angry outbursts, etc.  Constantly evaluate what you see and hear.

5) If threatened, act defensively.  The safest defense is evasion, in other words get out of the way.  However, as protectors of the flock, there are circumstances when we must step in to defend others.  In those cases, we must exercise active self-defense.

There are several stages and options available to us:

Defuse the Situation
We try to approach each situation which is not yet disruptive in a calm manner.  However, sometimes a person may become agitated, no matter how calm we are.  On the other hand, this may be an encounter between two persons which is becoming disruptive.  Calming the situation with verbal de-escalation is a proactive defense, which may help us avoid using physical defense.

Be on Your Guard
In a potentially disruptive incident, be ready to defend yourself physically if it becomes necessary. This begins with the interview stance and maintaining a reasonable distance.

Be Prepared
Be trained in self-defense skills and practice the techniques regularly.  Practice observation to improve your situational awareness skills.  This can be ongoing.  Work with another team member, taking turns with questions such as, "Did you see that?" or, "What is that she has?"

What if.…
In the news story above, did the young man raise anyone's suspicions before pulling out his gun?  If they did, what could they have done (depending on where they were in the room)?  The young man sat down next to the pastor.  When he began to argue, the pastor or the person on the other side (or behind him) could have watch and been prepared for anything.  If this person had kept an eye open during prayer, he would have seen the subject reach for his weapon and may have been able to knock it out of his hand.

As it was, one man saw the gun and tried to talk the assailant out of shooting. The man dived in front of his aunt, giving his life in an attempt to shield her. Yet, she was killed anyway.

Here are ten ways to improve your situational awareness:

1) Learn to Predict Events
2) Identify Elements around You
3) Trust Your Feelings or intuition
4) Limit Situational Overload
5) Avoid Complacency
6) Be Aware of Time
7) Begin to Evaluate and Understand Situations
8) Seek to Avoid Fatigue
9) Continually Assess the Situation
10) Monitor the Performance of Others 

Be safe!

Russ Sharrock

If you have any questions about safety & security for your church, or you are interested in a FREE Risk Assessment Form, you can contact me at:

Integrity Security Consulting

Russ Sharrock

405-762-2471 | integrityseccon@hotmail.com

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