Saturday, October 19, 2019

10 Security Moves Churches Should Make

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

Every church that wants to grow in today’s culture must make safety and security a top priority.  When parents walk in the doors of your church, they are wondering, “Is my child going to be safe here?”

We live in a new reality.  And the reality is families can be attacked at the store, while at work, while at a sporting event, at school and yes, even at church.  More than ever, we must have safety and security measures in place if we are going to reach families.  The average millennial parents are not going to return to your church if they see that safety and security are lacking.

Here is a checklist of 10 basic security moves every church should make:

1) Involve God and your Congregation.
Ask God’s provision for the safety of your church congregation.  Seek the prayers of your congregation for God’s safety.  Prayerfully consider a love offering for security related equipment.

2) Create and Implement a Security Plan.
Planning is one of the most important first steps you can take to tighten church security.
This involves writing a plan that answers the question “what should we do if…..” any given situation.  This plan should be developed by key church leaders and added to a policy and procedure manual that can be updated as needed.

3) Start a Security Ministry Team.
Select a Leader who’s as committed to making your Congregation feel welcome as he is to making the facility more secure.  Depending on the size of your church the security ministry will have 10-20 rotating Members who are all active, long term members of the Church.

4) Create and Publish an Evacuation Plan.
Think about the inside of a hotel door.  There’s an outline of the property showing Emergency Exits and providing guidance for what to do in an emergency.  You should have these Maps located on each level, inside the bathrooms, and in other gathering areas.  

5) Lock Doors During Services and Limit Access Points.
You’re required to have an easy way out but not an easy way in.  Installing Panic Bars and Door Handles that always open from the inside quickly increases security and safety.

6) Utilize a Security Professional on Site During Services and Other Activities.
Off duty law enforcement or security personnel in uniform can be a deterrent for those seeking to do harm.

7) Use walkie talkies on Campus.
Every user of a walkie talkie can instantly communicate suspect behaviors.  Parking, children’s ministry, and security teams all benefit from using walkie talkies all the time, not just when an incident occurs.  Walkie Talkies are a superior solution over cellular phones for security.

8) Get involved in the Church Security Community.
There are many well-established Blogs offering free pertinent advice regarding church security. 

9) Install Access Control Locks and Security Cameras.
Knowing who’s coming and going outside of service hours keeps your facilities more secure and reduces the risk of theft.

10) Have an Amber Alert Plan.
What happens when a child goes missing?  It’s important to have a step-by-step plan on what you will do. 

The world has changed in the past few decades making it important to think strategically about church safety.  The bible says we should not have a spirit of fear (See 2 Timothy 1:7), but we should use common sense and wisdom in our approach and planning for the unexpected.

What church safety measures do you have in place?

Be Safe!

Russ Sharrock

I have made available for you a FREE Do-it-Yourself risk assessment form.  It's a Word document so you can make any changes necessary to fit your church size and needs. 

For a copy of the FREE Do-it-Yourself risk assessment form, or if you have any questions, you can contact me at: 

Integrity Security Consulting

Russ Sharrock

405-762-2471 |

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